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News and Insights
How bad is the inflation problem in emerging Asia?
High and rising inflation has dominated the economic agenda in recent months. The combination of robust policy-induced global demand growth with pandemic-related supply constraints led to a significant uptick in consumer prices.
Read MoreChina’s economic outlook is weakened by Covid-Zero strategy
China’s Covid-Zero strategy was effective in 2020
China is where Covid-19 was first discovered in late 2019 and then experienced the first wave of the pandemic in early 2020
Read MoreLa Fed américaine et la BCE sont sous pression pour faire baisser l'inflation.
Les marchés obligataires et boursiers mondiaux ont été particulièrement instables ces dernières semaines, la liquidation générale qui a débuté au début de l'année s'étant intensifiée avec la détérioration des perspectives macroéconomiques.
Read MorePersistently high food prices add to pressure to normalise interest rates
The world is dealing with severe stagflation, with decade-high inflation and slowing economic growth in most major advanced economies. Surging food prices are a significant contributor to high headline inflation in many countries, including most major advanced economies
Read MoreDespite its hawkish rhetoric the ECB cannot follow the Fed
Global inflation is at its highest level for decades, especially in advanced economies, with GDP growth already slowing sharply. This is called stagflation, but the severity of the stagflation varies across countries.
Read MoreChina’s growth outlook muddied by a plethora of uncertainties
China is a major source of uncertainty for the global growth outlook in 2022 and 2023. After a sudden collapse in demand and activity in Q1 2020, following the outbreak of Covid-19, China performed an impressive recovery from the pandemic. The positive momentum lasted from mid-2020 to mid-2021.
Read MoreHeadwinds pose downside risks and lead to lower global growth
The dominant global macro theme for the last year and a half has been the economic recovery from the depths of the Covid-19 pandemic shock. In fact, with a GDP growth of 5.9% in 2021, the global economy witnessed the fastest expansion in activity in almost 50 years.
Read MoreCovid-19 is gradually becoming endemic, but risks remain
More than two years since Covid-19 was first discovered, China again appears to be the epicentre of the pandemic. At least that’s the take-away from recent headlines. However, focusing too much on China distracts us from the bigger global picture,
Read MoreGeopolitical disruptions spur the potential for an energy crisis in Europe
In early 2020, the spread of Covid-19 spurred the worst global recession since the immediate post Second World War. This year, with the start of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, the world faces the most significant military event in Europe since the Second World War.
Read MoreRusso-Ukrainian conflict shocks commodity markets
The 2020s are proving to be a period turmoil with shocks and uncertainty. Just when the global economy was seemingly turning the page from the Covid-19 pandemic, another significant event is producing negative geopolitical and economic consequences:
Read MoreMarket Data
Last Update : Monday 06 January 2025